Three Cheetahs Under a Dead Tree


Masai Mara, 2010

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During the years when I was based in Mara the coalition of male cheetahs that dominated the area was a group of three, sons of the late Cheetah named Honey. She was one of the Mara’s most famous Cheetahs, but unfortunately she died in 2007 when vets darted her to treat her cubs who were showing conspicuous signs of mange. Something went wrong and she didn’t survive that day. Terrible loss. Fortunately her cubs who were already about a year old survived. They were fed by the rangers until they were able to hunt for themselves. They carried their mother’s genes and fathered most of the cubs born in the Mara between 2008 and 2013, if I remember correctly, when the last one was seen. In this image in June 2010 they are seen marking a solitary dead tree while at the same time scanning the plains for prey.